Hours after actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at his Mumbai home during an alleged burglary attempt, the suspect was seen near the Bandra railway station later that morning, said sources. It is suspected that he had taken the first local train in the morning and fled Mumbai. Police teams are camping in Vasai and Nalasopara areas, suspecting that the intruder would have gone to any of these areas after the incident.
The cops believe he had changed his clothes before fleeing the spot. They are now gathering technical data and tracking how many mobile phones were active in that area during the incident. They are also taking the help of informers to trace the attacker.
Saif Ali Khan suffered serious injuries during a confrontation with the suspect who had broken into his home early Thursday morning. The confrontation took place on the 11th floor of the ‘Satguru Sharan’ building.
Read: Nannies Fought Attacker, Tried To Lock Him Up: Tense 30 Minutes At Saif’s Home
The actor’s younger son’s nanny Eliyama Philip spotted him first around 2 am. When she confronted him, he demanded Rs 1 crore. She was injured as she tried to fight him. Another house help soon alerted Mr Khan.
The actor and another house help overpowered the intruder and locked him inside a room, but Mr Khan suffered serious knife injuries and was left bleeding. The intruder managed to escape when the house helps and family were busy tending to Mr Khan’s injuries.
With no cars ready to leave, the actor was rushed to nearby Lilavati hospital in an auto, where he was operated on. He is now out of danger.
The attack has raised questions over the role of the security guards in the posh Bandra locality. It also fuelled Opposition salvo over the law-and-order situation in the city.
Read: Attacker Entered Room Of Saif’s Son Jeh, Demanded Rs 1 Crore: Sources
The cops have formed 20 teams to arrest the accused, who they suspect had used a fire shaft to access Mr Khan’s home after scaling the wall of an adjacent compound. He was not seen on CCTV in the lobby entering or exiting the building.
A case has been registered for robbery, trespassing, and causing grievous hurt.