Team India’s pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah‘s participation in the upcoming ICC Champions Trophy is under serious doubt, with the player asked to rest at home. Bumrah, who took 32 wickets during the Border-Gavaskar Trophy, returned home last week after a long tour Down Under. According to a report in Times of India (TOI), Bumrah has been advised bed rest at home, and it is highly unlikely that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) will rush the player’s recovery process.
The report said that Bumrah will have to report to BCCI’s Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Bengaluru, but the date of his check-in is yet to be confirmed.
“Bumrah could go to the CoE next week but right now there is no fixed date yet. He has been advised bed rest at home to help the muscles recover and the swelling to subside. Once that is done, future course of action will be ascertained,” the reports quoted the source as saying.
While initial reports hinted that it was a case of swelling, Bumrah could be ruled of action for longer than expected as the “stakeholders” don’t want to aggravate his injury.
“Bed rest doesn’t sound good. I hope it’s not a disc bulge or a muscle swelling which is of a higher grade. The approach has to be similar with him – wrap him in cotton wool and preserve the talent like him,” the report added.
This could also put Bumrah’s participation in the Champions Trophy under serious doubt.
“Swelling happens if there is a tear because of edema formation – which depends on the grade of tear in the muscle. If it’s a disc bulge or swelling then recovery also depends on grade, individual capacity, medical intervention and post medical rehab work,” Ramji Srinivasan, former India strength and conditioning coach, told TOI.
The Champions Trophy gets underway on February 19, while India will get their campaign underway against Bangladesh in Dubai on February 20.