Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, who had planned to file her nomination for the upcoming Assembly polls today, will now be filing the papers tomorrow. Ms Atishi missed the 3 pm deadline to file her papers today because she accompanied Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Arvind Kejriwal to the Election Commission’s office to raise alleged manipulation of voter lists.
The 43-year-old leader today visited the Giri Nagar Gurdwara at Kalkaji to seek blessings before filing her nomination. She also visited the Kalkaji Temple. Senior party leader Manish Sisodia accompanied her. Ms Atishi then led a roadshow in the Kalkaji constituency she currently represents.
The AAP leader was to reach the district magistrate’s office to file nomination papers. But she went to the Election Commission’s headquarters where top AAP leaders had gathered to raise multiple issues, including alleged manipulation of voter lists.
Ms Atishi is contesting the election from Kalkaji constituency in south Delhi, where she won by a margin of 11,000 votes last time. Challenging her this time is former BJP MP Ramesh Bidhuri, who represented the South Delhi constituency in Parliament from 2014 to 2024, but lost the polls this time.
Yesterday, the Chief Minister sought contributions to her crowdfunding campaign. “Over the past 5 years, you’ve stood by me as an MLA, a minister, and now as the Chief Minister of Delhi. None of this would have been possible without your blessings and support. As a young, educated woman, your belief and donations have enabled me to imagine a career in politics-a path I couldn’t have walked alone. Now, as we face another election campaign, I need your support once again,” she said in a post on X.
In an update later, Ms Atishi shared she was overwhelmed by the response. “I am truly overwhelmed by the incredible response to my crowdfunding campaign on Day 1. Over 335 well-wishers have come forward to contribute 17+ lakhs to the #DonateForAtishi campaign.
This huge success is a reflection of people’s unwavering faith in the Aam Aadmi Party’s clean, honest, and transformative politics. Do keep the momentum going by spreading the word” she wrote.