Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has raised over Rs 19 lakh in online donations within 24 hours of launching a crowdfunding campaign to contest the assembly elections scheduled next month. Atishi, who is also the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate from the Kalkaji constituency, has set a goal of garnering Rs 40 lakh as her election campaign fund.
As of noon today, the party’s donation page shows 455 people have donated a total of Rs 19,32,728.
“I am truly overwhelmed by the incredible response to my crowdfunding campaign on Day 1. This huge success is a reflection of people’s unwavering faith in the Aam Aadmi Party’s clean, honest, and transformative politics. Do keep the momentum going by spreading the word!” the Chief Minister wrote on X.
Atishi launched the crowdfunding campaign on Sunday by releasing an online link to the portal for people to donate money.
“People donated money to support Aam Admi Party’s honest politics. We don’t take money from big businessmen for elections. AAP government works for the common people. For my election from Kalkaji, I am launching a crowdfunding campaign for Rs 40 lakh, which I need for the election. People can donate any amount they want,” she said.
Announcing the campaign on X, she mentioned how being a young educated woman, she has been able to maintain a career in politics through the support of the people.
“As a young, educated woman, your belief and donations have enabled me to imagine a career in politics – a path I couldn’t have walked alone. Now, as we face another election campaign, I need your support once again. Please contribute to my crowdfunding campaign,” she said.
Atishi is contesting the election against former MP and BJP candidate Ramesh Bidhuri from the Kalkaji seat. The 70-member Delhi Assembly goes to polls on February 5. The results will be announced on February 8.